Preferences Figures


Load Predrawn Figures  You can load the predrawn figures on startup, causing a few second delay, or  wait until a figure is needed before loading.


Font Height for Predrawn Figures Set the height of text in figures in pixels. The default is 9 pixels.


Expand Predrawn Figures  See also Expand Figures

This is primarily to address "Flipping" of plans with predrawn figures.

If the figures are expanded, they will flip properly. Unexpanded, they are rotated 180 degrees instead.


You can choose to: 

   Expand each figure when inserted 

   Expand a figure before it is "flipped" 

   Never automatically Expand figures 

   Ask before flipping a figure 

"Never automatically Expand figures" is the default. 


Scale Pre-drawn Figures to Metric

Many Predrawn figures are sized to be a pre-determined size in the US drawing mode.

When switching to metric mode, a different resolution is used 

(each screen pixel = 25mm instead of one inch).


You can scale the figures to be their original size when drawing in metric mode.